Sometimes social media offers up random gifts to brighten your day. Recently I have been enjoying posts from a Facebook group called “We Love Endpapers.” Enthusiasts from all over the world share pictures of both modern and antique decorated endpapers, and occasional links to related blog posts, like this one from the National Library of New Zealand. The post, “Opening up the Covers,” has great information about varieties like paste paper and gilded paper, with useful resources at the end, including the database of images at the University of Washington. In the spirit of “We Love Endpapers,” I offer a few images from Amherst’s collection that have caught my eye over the past few months.

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click on a caption to view more information in the library catalog

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Lewis Carroll (London : Macmillan, 1929)
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland / Lewis Carroll (London : Macmillan, 1929)
Black's Picturesque Guide to the English Lakes (Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black, 1877)
Black’s Picturesque Guide to the English Lakes (Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black, 1877)
Gulliver's Travels / Jonathan Swift (London : printed for Benj. Motte, 1726)
Gulliver’s Travels / Jonathan Swift (London : printed for Benj. Motte, 1726)
Ulysses / James Joyce (Paris : Shakespeare and Company, 1924)
Ulysses / James Joyce (Paris : Shakespeare and Company, 1924)

Americana Esoterica / by various American authors, decorations by Rockwell Kent (New York : Macy-Masius, 1927)
Americana Esoterica / by various American authors, decorations by Rockwell Kent (New York : Macy-Masius, 1927)
Shakespeare's Sämmtliche Werke (Stuttgart : Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1895?)
Shakespeare’s Sämmtliche Werke (Stuttgart : Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1895?)
The Works of Laurence Sterne (London : printed for J. Johnson, 1808)
The Works of Laurence Sterne (London : printed for J. Johnson, 1808)
Panoplia omnium illiberalium mechanicarum... / Hartmann Schopper (Frankfurt : Georg Rabe for Sigmund Feyerabend, 1568) [probably rebound in the 1870s]
Panoplia omnium illiberalium mechanicarum… / Hartmann Schopper (Frankfurt : Georg Rabe for Sigmund Feyerabend, 1568) [probably rebound in the 1870s]
La Galerie des Oiseaux / L.P. Vieillot, M.P. Oudart (Paris: Carpentier-Méricourt, 1834)
La Galerie des Oiseaux / L.P. Vieillot, M.P. Oudart (Paris: Carpentier-Méricourt, 1834)
American Ornithology / Alexander Wilson (Edinburgh : Constable and Co., 1831)
American Ornithology / Alexander Wilson (Edinburgh : Constable and Co., 1831)
Les Oiseaux / Georges Cuvier (Paris : J. B. Baillière, 1869)
Les Oiseaux / Georges Cuvier (Paris : J. B. Baillière, 1869)


Three Months in Europe / Emma Forsyth Thomas (Boston : DeWolfe Fiske & Co., 1892)
Three Months in Europe / Emma Forsyth Thomas (Boston : DeWolfe Fiske & Co., 1892)
The Works of Oliver Goldsmith (London : John Murray, 1854)
The Works of Oliver Goldsmith (London : John Murray, 1854)



















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