We are pleased to invite you to the Archives and Special Collections to see our new summer exhibition, the Poultry and Garden Show. The exhibition is a fun glimpse into old poultry, gardening and agricultural manuals from 1588 to 1911 along with a selection of agricultural posters from the John P. Cushing World War I Posters Collection, which is currently being organized. The exhibition is in the Archive and Special Collections main gallery on A level of Frost Library, Amherst College. Open Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm; the show will be up through late August. Come on down and get your county fair on!
Gallery of extra material not included in the exhibition
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The American Flora…. by Asa B. Strong, 1851.
A Way to Get Wealth: containing six principal vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wive may lawfully imploy themselves…. by G. M. and W. L., 1683.
The American Gardener’s Assistant by Thomas Bridgeman, 1867.
The American Poulterer’s Companion… by C. N. Bement, 1867.
The American Poulterer’s Companion… by C. N. Bement, 1867.
The American Poulterer’s Companion… by C. N. Bement, 1867.
The American Poulterer’s Companion… by C. N. Bement, 1867.
Neum Kreuterbuch mit schoenen kunstlichen und leblichen figuren…. by Jacobum Theodorum, 1588.
Neum Kreuterbuch mit schoenen kunstlichen und leblichen figuren…. by Jacobum Theodorum, 1588.
Neum Kreuterbuch mit schoenen kunstlichen und leblichen figuren…. by Jacobum Theodorum, 1588.
Neum Kreuterbuch mit schoenen kunstlichen und leblichen figuren…. by Jacobum Theodorum, 1588.
Inheritance of Characteristics in Domestic Fowl by Charles B. Davenport, 1909.
How to Raise Fruits by Thomas Gregg, 1877.
The American Gardener’s Assistant by Thomas Bridgeman, 1867.
Egg and Poultry Raising at Home by W. M. Elkington, 1902.
The Bantam Fowl by Thomas Fletcher McGrew, 1899.
The American Gardener’s Assistant by Thomas Bridgeman, 1867.
The American Gardener’s Assistant by Thomas Bridgeman, 1867.
Inheritance of Characteristics in Domestic Fowl by Charles B. Davenport, 1909.